概要 |
The purpose of this present study was to review some studies about children's hiding in several deciplines. Especially the author focused on children's hiding “acts” in play. At first, the author clas...sified results and considerations of precedent studies into four types according to hiding styles; (1)peekaboo, (2)hide-and-seek, (3)constructing secret spaces, and (4)others. Furthermore, I suggested three viewpoints to understand the motive of children's hiding acts; Interpretation, Space, and Transition. In the Interpretation theory, the motives of hiding acts that were considered in precedent studies were interpreted in two axes; “motive factors” and “researcbers'grounds to interpret the motive”. As for “motive factors”, the motives were attributed to the child's “internel factor” or “external factor”. Next, “researchers'grounds to interpret the motive” were assumed two aspects, one is based on the psychotherapy and the other is on the observation of children's play. Then in the Space theory, I distinguished an approach (microspace theory) that discussed interactions between hiding children and physical environments to one (macro space theory) that explicated relationship among “secret space”and other space from the point of view of spacial cognition. At last, I characterized changes of hiding acts in aging as qualitertive transitions, and described characteristic hiding acts of each ages as the Transition theory. 本研究は, イナイ・イナイ・バーやカクレンボ, 秘密基地づくり等, 子どもの「隠れる行為」に着目し, これまで日本の様々な学問領域においてどのような研究が行われてきたかを概観した。本稿では, 最初に「イナイ・イナイ・バー」「カクレンボ」「秘密基地づくり」「その他」という行為の形態に応じて, 先行研究の動向を紹介した。次に, 子どもの「隠れる行為」の動機を理解する視点として, 「解釈論」「空間論」「変遷論」を挙げた。まず, 「解釈論」では, 「隠れる」動機を子どもの「内的要因」「外的要因」のどちらに求めるか, またその解釈が「日常観察」「病理治療」的背景のどちらで行われたのか, という軸にしたがって分類を行った。第2に, 「空間論」では, 子どもと物理的空間との相互作用に着目した「ミクロ空間論」と, 空間認知の立場から生活環境における他の空間との関係性に焦点を当てた「マクロ空間論」に先行研究の知見を整理した。最後に, 年齢によって子どもが興じる「隠れる行為」の形態が異なることから, 「変遷論」を展開した。続きを見る