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Thermoregulatory responses to cold exposure at 8℃ for 40 min were studied on male (n=6) and female (n=10) subjects. Oral and axillary temperatures, skin temperature, oxygen consumption, respiratory ra...te, and blood pressure were observed before and during cold exposure. The results were summarized as follows : 1. Oral and axillary temperatures during cold exposure decreased by 1.7℃ and 1.2℃ in male subjects, and by 1.4℃ and 0.6℃ in female subjects for 40 min, respectively. 2. All temperatures measured on various parts of the skin fell significantly, but no significant difference was observed in mean skin temperature between male and female groups. 3. Oxygen consumption increased significantly during cold exposure, 88% in male and 48% in female groups, and the increases in men compared with women were statistically significant. 4. A slight decrease in respiratory frequency during cold exposure was observed in men and women, but no significant difference between male and female groups. 5. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure during cold exposure increased in both groups, and diastolic blood pressure increased more in male subjects than in female ones. These results suggest that thermoregulatory responses to cold exposure were different between men and women. 健康な男女を対象に,寒冷曝露(室温8℃に40分間)によって誘起する体温調節反応の性差について比較検討し,次の結果を得た。1.口腔温は,男子1.7℃および女子1.4℃,また,腋高温は,男子1.2℃および女子0.6℃それぞれ下降したが,いずれも男女間に有意差がなかった。2.平均皮膚温は,男子10.5℃および女子9.4℃それぞれ下降したが,男女間に差がなかった。3.酵素消費量は,男子が女子より約1.4倍増大した。4.呼吸数は,男女とも減少傾向を示したが,性差はなかった。5.血圧は,男女とも収縮期および拡張期圧が上昇し,特に拡張期血圧は,男子が女子より有意に高かった。これらの結果は,寒冷環境下での体温調節反応が男女によって異なることを示唆した。続きを見る