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概要 |
The purpose of this research is to explore a patient's experience with cancer and the related operation by a narrative approach, and to examine this approach as a method of patient education. 6 episod...es were found through interview with the patient by the narrative approach. These episodes were about 1) his duties and role as the president of his company, 2) his request for the relevant medical information, 3) an encounter with meaningful words regarding the sickness and operation, 4) the change in his knowledge and physical function after surgical treatment, 5) the sickness and operation seen as turning point in life by the patient, 6) the necessity to think about life and death The effects of the narrative approach were examined as a method to clarify the nurse's role in patient education and to give meaning to the patient's experience with sickness. 本研究は患者教育の方針を検討するため,ナラティブ・アプローチの視点から手術を伴うがん患者の病気による経験を取り上げた。その内容から,1)会社経営者としての役割と責任,2)医療に関する情報提供の要望,3)病気と手術に向けて意味あることばとの出会い,4)手術療法に関する認識と身体の変化,5)レールから脇道となる人生の転機,6)生の生活から死を考える生活,という6つのエピソードを抽出した。このエピソードから,がんや手術の体験が患者の生活の転機であり,ナラティブ・アプローチが,病気の体験に意味づけをもたらす可能性があること,また患者教育の本質に向けた看護者の役割の明確化に貢献できること,について考察した。続きを見る