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The round-shaped roof tile of Kourokan Type1

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Abstract 鴻臚館1式軒丸瓦である。小田富士雄氏によって鴻臚館跡出土品を標識として設定された型式である(小田1977)。複弁8弁蓮華文で、大きな中房に1+4+8の蓮子を配し、外区に珠文24、外縁は素文である。興福寺式軒丸瓦6301を祖形として成立したが、外縁が素文となる点が異なる。大宰府政庁Ⅱ期・筑紫館(鴻臚館)の所用瓦であり、筑前国分寺・観世音寺などでも出土している。25は瓦当の左方しか残らぬが、丸瓦の取り...付け位置は弁区付近で、胎土に少量の砂粒を含み、赤味がかった黄白色を呈する。「福岡城内」と注記があり、筑紫館所用であ る。『考古学雑誌』6巻1号「鴻臚館の所在に就て再び藤井学士の示教に答ふ」論文の1に当たる。 福岡城内表採であり、中山先生に鴻臚館の場所を福岡城内と確信させた資料そのものであり、伴う説明文にも「机上における歴史地理学的研究の結果から平和台こそ鴻臚館阯と推定し實地を踏査して果して此裏ずけ(ママ)の古瓦散列地点を發見された時は大正四年ドンタクの日コレはその時のもの 眞に紀念の品である」と記す 岩永2008(博物館報告)
Round-shaped Roof Tile of Kourokan Type 1. It is a model set by Fujio Oda as a sign using the items found at the Kourokan site (Oda 1977).It has a design of a lotus flower with 8 compound petals, 1+4+8 lotus seeds are arranged in a large middle segment, the outer area has 24 pearl motifs, and the outer edge is plain. Koufukuji-style round shape roof tile 6301 has been established as the original form, but the difference is that outer edges are plain. It is a roof tile for the Dazaifu Government Office II, Tsukushinomurotsumi (Ko-rokan), and it has been found at Chikuzen Kokubunji Temple and Kanzeonji Temple. No. 25 has only the left side of the roof tile left, but the attaching position of the round tile is near the valve area, and the clay contains some grains of sand and has a reddish yellowish-white color. The note here is “Fukuoka Castle” and is for Tsukushinomurotsumi use. “Journal of Archeology” Vol. 6 No. 1, includes a paper, “The location of Kourokan regarding instruction from Mr. Fujii.” It is a collection from the inside Fukuoka castle, and the accompanying explanation reads, “Results of theoretical research into historical geography indicated that Heiwadai itself is the Korokan site; and studying that place to find support for this assumption, some old tiles were discovered just there on the day of “Dontaku, is a festival in Fukuoka, in 1915. These were indeed something to celebrate.”
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Created Date 2020.08.21
Modified Date 2020.09.25

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