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概要 |
診療文書は,後に分析することを想定して収集されていないため,二次利用が困難な場合が多い.このため,診療文書に基づく症例検索システムを試行的に臨床現場へ導入した報告例はあるものの,数年以上の長期間に渡り実運用した結果を報告した事例は少ない.本稿では,約7年にわたり運営してきた日本内科学会の症例検索システムの利用状況について,クエリ検索回数,傾向,経時的変化に関するログを分析した.分析結果から,運用...年月を経るにつれて利用回数が増加しており,病名を中心とした検索ではコモンディジーズや稀少疾患など様々なクエリに対して,一定数の検索結果を返す性能を備えていることが確認できた.複合名詞など文字数が多いクエリについては課題が残るものの,クエリのサジェスト機能や,様々な用途に応じてガイドできるようなインターフェースを備える等改良の余地があり,今後の発展が期待できる. Since clinical documents are not supposed to be analyzed later, the secondary use of them is often difficult. For this reason, although there have been a few case retrieval system trials introducing it to clinical sites, there are few cases in which it has been practically used over a long period of several years or more. In this paper, we analyzed the frequency of query retrieval, the trends of query keywords and the chronological changes of them by analyzing the access logs of the case retrieval system of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, which was developed by us and had been operated for about seven years. As a result, we confirmed that the frequency of query increases as the operational year passes by, and the search function provided on disease names had the ability to return a certain number of the results for various search queries about common and rare diseases. Although sometimes it does not work for queries with many characters such as compound nouns, we think that there is a room for further development by providing a query suggestion function and interface for suitable guide by assuming various patterns of the use cases.続きを見る