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Subjective resultative in present-day Japanese: On the shite-iru form

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Abstract The shite-iru form in Japanese has been regarded as a form for expressing a state of'continuation' of an action. However, no satisfactory answers have been given to the questions: (i) what is the diff...erence between this form and the other continuative forms, the shitsutsu-aru form and the shite-aru form, and (ii) what is its'general meaning'as the sum total of specific meanings it expresses in actual usage. The purpose of this paper, then, is to provide a satisfactory answer to these problems. The shite-iru form has two main types of meaning, namely the'continuativity of activity'and the 'resultativity of change.'This variance can be elucidated on the basis of the inherent aspectuality of the verb used in this form. With telic verbs, the form expresses the'resultativity of change.'With atelic verbs, it expresses the'continuativity of activity.'We may also say that this form represents the 'resultativity of the beginning of activity'with atelic verbs, for, in atelic verbs, the realized point of a situation expressed by the verb is not the final point but the initial point, which represents a change of state into durative events and new states. Therefore, the opposition between the shite-iru form and the shitsutsu-aru form, which has the'imperfectivity of change'with telic verbs and the'imperfectivity of the beginning of an activity'with atelic verbs, is equivalent to that between resultative and imperfective. The shite-iru form can sometimes have the'perfect,''iterative'and'stative'meanings as the subsidiary meanings on the specific conditions. All these variant meanings are ultimately derived from the general meaning of'resultativity,'which describes a state concluded the change expressed by the verb.show more
Table of Contents 0. 序
1. 基本概念
 1-1. アスペクトとは
 1-2. 動詞のもちまえのアスペクチュアリティー(アクチオンスアルト)
 1-3. 限界性と変化
2. シテイル研究の問題点
3. 基本的意味
4. 派生的意味
 4-1. 動作ペルフェクト
 4-2. 反復・習慣
 4-3. 単なる状態
5. シテイルの一般的意味
6. 結
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Created Date 2021.10.14
Modified Date 2021.12.13

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