Opening and closing plankton nets (CMS-C and CMS-O) were designed for the sampling of mesoplankton in coastal waters, and comparisons were made of the CMS-C net to other types of nets. The newly designed nets consisted of cylinder (70 cm side length) and conical sections(130 cm side length), with 36 cm mouth diameters. The mesh aperture is 100μm. The total open area ratio was 5.51 in the CMS-C and 5.92 in the CMS-O, with 37% porosity. In comparison tests between estomated by Kitahara's quantitative net seem to be related to the shape of ots reduced cone. Although no difference in sampling capacity of small copepods was found between the CMS-C net and the modified NORPAC net for sampling in blooms of large phytoplankton or during long hauls, because of its higher open area ratio.