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A study of students' Thoughts and Administration on Imperial University of Tokyo : The Students Circle, "Spiritual Science Study Group"

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Abstract This thesis gives a new perspective to the commonly accepted view that no significant students' thought movements had been made since 1938, by making it clear that a conflict arose between the authori...ties of the Imperial University of Tokyo and a conservative students' circle named the "Spiritual Science Study Group", which existed in the same university during the period from 1938 to 1941. The conflict started when a student published his opinion in a journal outside the university, in which he wrote critically that the lectures of the law department tended not to pay much respect to their own constitution. Soon after that, the university authorities decided to give him an indefinite suspension for the reason that he didn't complete his duties as a student. What is worse, they left him as he was for more than twenty months, and finally expelled him from the university. Meanwhile, the "Spiritual Science Study Group", organized by the student himself, started to criticize the authorities because they didn't take up his criticism as an important academic issue, but instead gave him common disciplinary measures. The student's circle formed a nation-wide organization named "The Students' Association of Japan", and expanded their thought movements. The university authorities, embarrassed by their movements, changed the principle of "autonomy of the university", and by introducing into the university "the new system", which the then Prime minister Konoe Fumimaro brought about as a national policy, they excluded the "Spiritual Science Study Group" from the university. This thesis tries to find the truth about the above facts, based on new documents I acquired recently. As a result, it has become obvious that the university authorities, by putting control over the students in the Imperial University of Tokyo during wartime, chose the way leading to the abandonment of "autonomy of the university." Incidentally, for my further study of the subject matter, I add a brief outline of my research in which I am now analyzing the contents of the activities of the students' groups in No. 1 High School, which were the predecessors of the "Spiritual Science Study Group."show more
Table of Contents 1.はじめに一戦時下学生運動史研究への問題提起一 2.昭和10年代の東京帝国大学に生じた学生思想問題 (1)「小田村論文」による法経学部教官批判の内容 (2)学生処分問題をめぐる大学当局の初期対応 (3)「評議会」における処分決定の経緯 3.学内団体「精神科学研究会」と大学当局との対立 (1)学生側が活動基盤とした「精神科学研究会」とは (2)学生側との対立を決定づけた大学管理の内実 (3)懲戒処分に対する学生側の主張 4.新体制下における新たな学内管理 (1)大学側による「全学会」設立の構想 (2)内田家文書に見る帝大「評議会」の動き (3)学生組織の一元的管理と「精神科学研究会」解散命令の論理 5.おわりに (1)帝大当局の学生管理がもたらした結末 (2)新たな研究上の視角

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Created Date 2009.07.06
Modified Date 2020.10.09

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