九州芸工大生のアジア度を計る : 楽器音響学の授業から

概要 The objective of this report is to evaluate how correctly the KID students understand the Asia (defined as the "degree of Asia") from traditional music and musical instruments. More specifically, stri...nged instruments of China, Korea, and Japan are taken up: The pipa (biwa) and guzheng (larger koto) of China; the kayagum (smaller koto) of Korea; the biwa of Japan. The students are asked to answer the country and the musical instrument when the music is reproduced for about one minute from the CD in the class of" Acoustics of Musical Instruments" and other related subjects. Such answer data are accumulated from 1998 to 2003 just prior to the unification with Kyushu University. Also, the data from an open class for the public held at Ohmuta Industrial High School in 1999 are considered for the comparison. The "degree of Asia" of KID students is affected by the combination of country and musical instrument: About 10 % concerning Chinese biwa; about 20 % concerning Japanese biwa; about 40 % concerning Chinese koto; below 5 % concerning Korean koto. The biwa seems to have been losing the popurarity in KID students compared with the open-class students. Japanese music tends to be mixed with Chinese music more easily in KID students than in open-class students, and the Japanese biwa is very often confused with the shamisen. Non-answering students are greatly increased in 2002 and 2003 FY s, and this seems to suggest their indifference toward traditional music. The degree of Asia has not been improved in the class of" Acoustics of Musical Instruments" which is held two and a half years later than "Introduction to Acoustic Design" for new students except for the Chinese koto music. This implies that almost no students of the Department of Acoustic Design tried to consciously listen to Asian music during this period. The most serious problem is the attitude to Korean music. Although Korean students can make a right answer readily to their own music, our Japanese students cannot do that to our music and do not know Korean music at all. The urgent item on the agenda is to build a common ground to share Korean music and Japanese music with each other through various creative ways.続きを見る
目次 1. はじめに
2. CDクイズの内容
3 . データ分析
4. 比較
5. まとめと私見


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登録日 2020.05.20
更新日 2023.06.21
