<departmental bulletin paper>
Changes of log procurement area under the period of timber industrial reorganization : A case of Maniwa area in Okayama prefecture

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Abstract 2000年以降, 林野庁による新生産システム等の製材工場の規模拡大政策が進められ, 大規模化した製材工場の原木集荷構造の変化は我が国の木材流通構造に大きな影響を与えているとみられる。そこで本研究の目的を, ヒノキ材産地である岡山県真庭地域の大規模製材工場の原木集荷構造を明らかにすることとした。まず, 統計資料の分析を行い, その後, 2011年11月に岡山県真庭地域の4製材工場と1原木市売市場へ...の対面調査を実施し, 原木市売市場1社に対し, FAXでのアンケート調査を実施した。調査内容は, 原木集荷方法・範囲および販売先に関する事項である。その結果, ①原木集荷圏の広域化, ②原木市売市場を利用した原木調達の維持の2つの特徴が明らかになった。①の要因として, 真庭地域の資源の不足と, 地域内での原木獲得競争の激化の回避, ②の要因として, 原木市売市場の選木機能の重要性が指摘される。同地域では1970年代から続く原木供給の地域外依存体制がさらに強まっているといえる。
Since 2000, Japanese Forestry Agency has implemented model projects for scale expansion of wood products industry, such as "New Wood Production Projects". Under the policy, it is suggested that the growing wood demand of the big-scale sawmill factories has been influential to wood distribution structure in Japan. This paper aims to examine the influence of the collection of timber by factories from case study in Maniwa area, Okayama prefecture, where is famous lumber production of Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa). Four lumber companies and two timber markets were investigated in November, 2011. As the results, two elements were revealed. One was that areas from which logs are collected have become wider. Another was that the amount of the material wood through log markets has maintained. The former is attributed to the shortage of resources and purpose of relieving intensified competition. The latter is attributed to the importance of function of log sorting of the markets. It can be said that the timber industries dependency on the outside organizations, which started in the 1970s, has been getting high in Maniwa.
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Created Date 2013.07.18
Modified Date 2021.03.03

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