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Hunting of the Ozu Feudal Lord, Otakanoba, and Livelihood

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Abstract 大洲藩主の狩は、17世紀後期、2代藩主加藤泰輿の代には、城下近隣の御鷹野で小規模な狩が行われ、藩主と藩士・領民が出会い交流する場であった。18世紀には、狩をしない藩主も登場するが、軍事演習、獣害対策、武の象徴としての狩と変化し、領民の見物の対象、まだ怪異と遭遇する場でもあった。18世紀末の10代藩主加藤泰済の代に、柳瀬山における御代始の狩に約4000人の大規模動員が行われる一方で、老人・奇特者の褒...賞、難渋者の御救が実施された。この狩を支える漑匠は、下級藩士の世襲、巧者などを養子とし、屋敷に鳥を飼う設備を整えていた。また狩の場は、御鷹野場など鉄砲停止場として、鳥見方や鳥目付が監視し鳥獣を保護した。一方で、獣害対策として踏出、威筒願が各村から出され、領民の生業とせめぎあっていた。
The hunting of the Ozu feudal lord was as mall-scale one held in takano near the castle. It was an opportunity that the feudal lord, vassals of the lord, and population of the fief met and interacted each other in the late 17th century, the era ofYasuoki Kato who was the second lord of the Ozu clan. In the 18th century, some lords who do not hunt appear. The purpose of hunting changed to military exercises, countermeasure against beast harm, and hunting as a symbol of military force. Also, the hunting was an event for the residents to see or a place to encounter monstrosities. At the end of the 18th century, in the era of the I0t h feudal lord Yasuzumi Kato, al arge-scale mobilization of about 4,000 people took place in the odaihajime hunting at Mt.yanase. On the other hand, the medals for the elderly and commendable people and the osukui act (salvation) for the poor were implemented. The falconers who supported these hunts were maintained by the families oflower-ranked vassals'succession or by adopting skillful person, and had the equipment to keep birds in their residences. In addition, the hunting grounds were limited as a teppo-tyoujiba (a place where prohibited people from using guns), such as the otakanoba, where were watched by torimikata or torimetsuke, and protected the birds and beasts. Meanwhile, as a countermeasure against beast harm, each village submitted humidashi petitions and odoshidutsu petitions, and the hunting of the lord and livelihood of the residents competed each other.
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Table of Contents はじめに
1 藩主の狩と御鷹方
2 御鷹野場と村の生業

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Created Date 2020.03.31
Modified Date 2021.03.18

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