<departmental bulletin paper>
The Presentation of Falcons from the Mohri Clan: Uchi-Kenjyo Structuration Considering the Relationship Between the Shogunate and Feudal Lords

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Abstract 長門萩毛利家が徳川将軍に対して実施した隼献上の位置について、近世献上構造における不時の献上および「内献上」としての手続きに着目して論じた。毛利秀就は3代将軍家光に対し、寛永から慶安期にかけて毎年隼を献上したが、後代に引き継がれず、以後は不時の献上品となった。享保期に8代将軍吉宗が鷹狩を再興すると、毛利吉元は献上再開を試みたが、将軍の「御好」等の理由により、1度きりの実施にとどまった。その後、毛利重...就・治親父子は、宝暦期、天明・寛政期に、田沼意次を通じた「内献上」の手続きを活用することで献上を達成した。以上の検討を通じ、享保七年令により年中献上が固定化したことで、不時の献上が将軍との情誼的関係を深める手段として重視され、「内献上」の構造化をもたらした歴史的経緯を明らかにする。また、大鷹重視の近世日本鷹狩文化における隼の位相についても言及した。
The structuration of the uchi-kenjyo (''private presentation") under the presentation system during the Edo period in Japan, in which feudal lords conducted many presentations to the Tokugawa shogunate, is discussed in this paper by analyzing the procedure of the falcon presentation from the Mohri clan (Nagato Hagi domain). Mohri Hidenari presented falcons to the 3rd shogun Iemitsu every year, but the custom was not handed down. Thereafter, although Mohri Yoshimoto tried to conduct the presentation under the hawking reconstruction policy promoted by the 8th shogun Yoshimune, the procedure was not regularized. Further, Mohri Shigetaka and Haruchika newly utilized uchi-kenjyo through Tanuma Okitsugu. Following the analysis, it can be concluded that more importance was placed on the uchi-kenjyo as the way of developing a personal relationship to a shogun by reducing the distance because the normal presentations conducted formally were fixed by the official regulations issued in 1722. In addition, the phases of falcons of Edo Japan, which emphasized goshawks, are also mentioned in this paper.
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Table of Contents はじめに
1 毛利秀就の隼献上(寛永~慶安期)
2 毛利吉元の隼献上( 享保期)
3 毛利重就・治親の鷹献上(宝暦、天明・寛政期)

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Record ID
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Created Date 2020.03.31
Modified Date 2021.03.18

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