Effect of Carrier Gas Flow Rate on Bio-Oil Yield and Composition in Corn Cobs and Polypropylene Plastic Slow Co-Pyrolysis

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概要 Previously, there has been no research conducted on the compositions of non-polar and polar fractions of bio-oil produced by co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastic as the feeds in relation to the variati...on of N_2 gas carrier flow rate. Corn cobs was used to represent biomass and polypropylene (PP) plastic was used as hydrogen donor in the co-pyrolysis. Co-pyrolysis was conducted in a stirred tank reactor at heating rate of 5℃/min. Bio-oil separated into non-oxygenated (non-polar) fraction and oxygenated (polar) fraction. Non-polar fraction can be further processed as bio-fuel, while the polar fraction can be refined to produce different chemicals. The aim of the present research is to investigate the effect of N_2 gas flow and feed composition on the composition of polar and non-polar phases of bio-oil. More gas flow rate reduced the vapor phase residence time in the co-pyrolysis reactor. N_2 gas flow rate was varied 400, 500 and 600 mL/min with each flow rate performed in 3 different ratios of biomass-plastic feed compositions, i.e. 0%: 100%, 50%: 50%, and 100%: 0%. The higher N_2 gas flow rate resulted in higher bio-oil yield but lower char yield. Co-pyrolysis favored synergistic effect on non-polar phase yield and lower N_2 gas flow resulted in more synergistic effect. The maximum non-polar fraction addition from its theoretical fraction in bio-oil was 35%. For non-polar phase of bio-oil, GC-MS analysis shows that alkenes were predominant in light fraction of bio-oil, while H-NMR shows that methyl chain was predominant in bio-oil. For polar phase of bio-oil, GC-MS analysis shows that carboxylic acids were predominant in light fraction of bio-oil, while H-NMR shows that carbohydrates were predominant in bio-oil. To utilize non-polar phase of bio-oil as biodiesel, branching index needs to be reduced about one third to a half and double bonds of alkene content needs to be decreased from the present content of 6-7% mole. Co-pyrolysis allows the reduction of phenolic content in polar phase of bio-oil arising more dominance of carbohydrate in the polar phase of bio-oil.続きを見る


pdf Pages_149-156 pdf 1.65 MB 762  


登録日 2019.07.09
更新日 2024.02.21
