<departmental bulletin paper>
Education and coloniality : In the process of independent movement in New Caledonia

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Abstract New Caledonia is currently one of French overseas territories but a referendum asking about its independence will be held this November. Education has played the significant roles in de-colonialisatio...n in the modern history. Thus this study aims to observe how the education will be influenced and what roles the education will take in the process of this political movement in our post-colonial era. As the introduction, this paper describes the basic socio-political context of New Caledonia and examines the current situations and issues of its education prior to the referendum. It starts with a theoretical framework consisting of colonialism, neo-colonialism and post-colonialism. Consequently, it describes historical background including political context of France and the indigenous society. Then it analyses the current conditions and issues of the education through statistical documents followed by a case study held at a selected primary school. It reveals that the quality of primary education is relatively high in general, although there is a geographical and demographical inequivalence in the access of the education. On the other hand, primary education takes a role to transfer French civilization to local children, which reminds us of the traditional French interpretation of the colonialism. In order to promote self-esteem and confidence of indigenous children, the basic education must be post-colonial oriented. Therefore, whatever the political directions are made, I will continue to examine the transition of education with post-colonial aspects.show more
Table of Contents 1.はじめに
2.1 植民地主義
2.2 ネオコロニアリズム
2.3 ポストコロニアリズム
3.1 フランスの植民地
3.2 ニューカレドニアの概要
3.3 ニューカレドニアの歴史
3.4 先住民の文化と社会
3.4.1 メラネシア
3.4.2 先住民カナック
3.4.3 カナックの伝統文化
3.4.4 伝統的な風習
3.5 フランス植民地支配下のカナック
4.1 ニューカレドニアの教育の変遷
4.2 教育制度と現状
4.3 小学校における事例研究
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Created Date 2018.11.05
Modified Date 2023.11.01

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