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Effects of three different highly purified n-3 series highly unsaturated fatty acids on lipid metabolism in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice.

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Abstract Triglycerides (TG) consisting of highly purified (>97%) n-3 series highly unsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), were admini...stered to C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice for 4 weeks by pair-feeding to compare their effects on lipid metabolism and to evaluate the effects of DPA on lipid metabolism. The hepatic TG level and total amount was decreased by treatment with DHA and DPA compared to the control. The efficacy of DPA was greater than that of EPA, but less than that of DHA. In contrast, EPA had the greatest serum TG reducing effect. The hepatic cytosol fraction of the DHA-treated group contained the lowest fatty acid synthase (FAS) and malic enzyme (ME) activity levels. Furthermore, the DHA-treated group contained the highest serum adiponectin concentrations. These findings indicate that the strong hepatic TG-lowering effect of DHA is due to the suppression of TG synthesis. The same tendencies were observed in DPA-treated mice, and the effect was stronger than that observed in EPA-treated mice, but equivalent to that observed in DHA-treated mice. Based on these results, DPA possesses lipid metabolism-improving effects. The beneficial effects of DPA for lipid metabolism were not superior to those of EPA and DHA, and the effect was always intermediate between those of EPA and DHA.show more


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Created Date 2018.10.24
Modified Date 2018.11.14

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