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This correlation study investigated outpatients with early stage uterine cervical cancer. The subjects' mental health and its' relationship with demographic characteristics, clinical characteristics, ...and quality of life were examined. One hundred and seventy six patients from three major hospitals in the Fukuoka area were surveyed with a structured questionnaire. The status of mental health measured by CES-D (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) indicated an average score of 13 ±8 (mean± SD). No clinical parameters were found to have significant correlation to CES-D. However, increased pain (p < 0.001) and the absence of a husband or a partner (p <0.01) had greater CES-D score which indicated worse mental health outcome. The QOL (Quality of Life) sca le developed for this study consists of the four domains : "Feel satisfied with life" (r= - .526, p<0.01), "Find life worth living" (r= - .485, p<0.01), "Feel no hindrance in daily life" (r= - .319, p <0.01), and "Feel no anxiety with illness" (r = - . 578, p <0.01) all which have statistically significant correlations with CES-D scores respectively. Upon examination using the multi-regression model, a strong relationship between CES-D scores and "Feel no anxiety with illness" (r= - .331, p <0.001) was evident. This showed to be the strongest indicator affecting the depression outcome, followed by "Strong pain" (r = .231, p <0.01). Clinical parameters, such as performance status, clinical stage, and medical treatment did not show any correlation to CES-D scores. The research suggests that the mental health of outpatients with uterine c ervical cancer was influenced by pain and quality of life, rather than the clinical parameters. The presence of a husband or a partner played the role as social support to reduce the level of depression. In order to provide complete care of patients, pain management, anxiety management, and spousal involvement are crucial to patients' mental health, especially in the ongoing care of uterine cervical cancer. 本研究は,初期の子宮頸がんの通院患者の精神的健康に関連する要因構造を,単に臨床的な視点からのみならず,個人の属性や生活の質という全人的な視点から分析することを目的とした.対象者は,福岡市内の医療機関に通院する176名の子宮頸がん患者である.精神的健康度は,CES-D自記式抑うつ尺度を使って測定され,平均値は13±8(平均±標準偏差)点であった.CES-D得点との有意な関連の見られる項目として,「痛みの程度」と「夫(恋人)の有無」があり,痛みが激しいほど,また夫が有る者に比べ無い者においてCES-D得点が高く,抑うつ傾向が強いことが明らかになった.生活の質に関する項目は,因子分析の結果4因子が抽出され,それぞれ,「生活満足度」(r=-.526,p<0.01),「生きがい」(r=-.485,p<0.01),「日常生活の支障のなさ」(r=-.319,p<0.01),「病気に関する不安のなさ」(r=-.578,p<0.01)と命名され,CES-D得点との有意な相関が認められた.重回帰分析の結果,CES-D得点は,「病気に関する不安のなさ」(β=-.331,p<0.001),「強い痛み」(β=.231,p<0.01)の順で強く影響されていることが明らかになった.一一方,臨床的な指標(PerformanceStatus,臨床進行期,治療の種類など)のうち,有意にCES-D得点を規定していたものは見られなかった.これらのことから,子宮頸がん患者の精神的健康は,臨床的な指標よりも,痛みや生活の質など,本人の主観的な認識によってより強く規定されうることが考えられる.今後は,痛みの緩和や不安の除去に関するケアを行うと同時に,地域で生活する子宮頸がん患者の特性を考慮し,夫などの家族を支援態勢に巻き込んだシステムを作ることが必要であると思われる.続きを見る