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Active Elimination of Causative PCDFs / DDs Congeners of Yusho by One Year Intake of FBRA in Japanese People

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Abstract Thirty-five years have been passing since the outbreak of Kanemi rice oil poisoning, namely, Yusho in the western Japan. However, even now the patients with Yusho have been still suffering from severa...l objective and subjective symptoms. In order to improve or, if possible, to cure the such symptoms, the most important therapeutic treatment is considered to actively excrete the most toxic causative PCDFs/DDs congeners, that is, 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (PenCDF) and 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorodibenzo- p-dioxin (HxCDD) from the bodies of the patients and to reduce their body burdens. In rats, dietary fiber and chlorophyll have been shown to promote the fecal excretion of dioxins and to reduce their levels in rat liver. In this study, we examined whether such kinds of effect were also observed by FBRA, which was the health food and relatively rich with dietary fiber and chlorophyll in nine married Japanese couples. As a result, concentrations of PenCDF and HxCDD on the lip id weight basis in the blood of the FBRA-intake group in which they took 7.0 to 10.5g of FBRA after each meal and three times a day for one year were more lowered than those in the blood of the nonintake group ; Blood levels of PenCDF and HxCDD in the FBRA-intake group were decreased by 30.5 and 33.9%, respectively, and those decreases were 22.0 and 24.5% in the non-intake group. Their total body burdens just before and one year after the study were calculated on the assumptions that the body fat was also contaminated with these congeners at their blood levels on the lipid weight basis and the content of body fat was 20% of the body weight. Then, we computed the average amounts in excretion of PenCDF and HxCDD from the body in both the FBRA-intake and non-intake groups. Consequently, the amounts of excretion of PenCDF and HxCDD in the FBRA-intake group were 2.1 and 1.9 times, respectively, greater than those in the non-intake group. Therefore, FBRA seemed to promote the fecal excretion of PenCDF and HxCDD, the main causative PCDFs/DDs congeners of Yusho, from the human body. We also expect FBRA to reduce th eir body burdens of patients with Yusho and to improve some objective and subjective symptoms of Yusho patients.
カネミ油症中毒事件が発生してから35年が経過しようとしているが, 今でも油症患者は種々様々な自覚および他覚症状で苦しんでいる. このような症状を改善し治療するには, その主要な原因物質である2,3,4,7,8一五塩化ダイベンゾフラン(PenCDF)と1,2,3,6,7,8一六塩化ダイオキシン(HxCDD)を積極的に体外へ排泄し, 汚染レベルを低下させることが第一である. この研究では動物実験によりダイオキシン類の体外排泄促進作用の認められている食物繊維と葉緑素を比較的多量に含む栄養補助食品FBRAによるカネミ油症原因物質の体外排泄促進を9組の夫婦の協力により調べた. その結果, 毎食後7~10.5gのFBRAを1日3回1年間摂取することにより, 血液脂質重量当りのPenCDFとHxCDDの濃度が非摂取群よりもそれぞれ8.5%と9.4%低下した. この血液脂質濃度で体脂肪も汚染されており, 体脂肪率を体重の20%と仮定し, 1人当り1年間の体外排泄量を両化学物質について計算した. そうすると, FBRAを摂取することによりPenCDFとHxCDDの排泄量がそれぞれ2.1倍と1.9倍高まることが示された. 以上のような結果より, FBRAは油症原因物質のPenCDFとHxCDDの体外への排泄を促進するので, 油症患者の治療にも有効と考えられた.
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Created Date 2010.12.15
Modified Date 2021.07.28

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