Excavations at Bor Ovoo and Khyar Kharaach Sites : The second Report on Joint Mongolian-Japanese Excavations in Outer Mongolia

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Table of Contents Preface[Kazuo Miyamoto]
Chapter 1. Excavations at Bor Ovoo Site [Kazuo Miyamoto, Tend Amgalantugus and Lhagvadorj Delgermaa]
Chapter2. Excavations at the Khyar Kharaach Site[Kazuo Miyamoto, Yoshinori Tajiri, Tsend Amgalantugs, Natsag Batbold and Lhagvadorj Delgermaa]
Chapter 3. Human skeletal remains of the Bronze Age unearthed from the both sites of Khyar Kharaach in the Govi-Altai province and Bor Ovoo in the Bayankhongor Province, Mongolia[Kenji Okazaki and Shiori Yonemoto] Chpter 4. The Strontium analysis on the human skeletal remains from the Khyar Kharaach site in the Gobi Altai, Mongolia[Shiori Yonemoto, Tatsuro Adachi, Kyoko Funahashi, Nobuhiro Nakano and Yasuhito Osanai]
Chapter 5. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios and radiocarbon ages on the skeletal remains from Bor Ovoo and Khyar Khraach Sites, Mongolia. [Minoru YONEDA, Takayuki OMORI, Hiromasa OZAKI, Shigeru ITO]
Closing Remarks[Kazuo Miyamoto]

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Record ID
Created Date 2017.07.24
Modified Date 2022.01.24

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