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Discovery of Related Items from Word of Mouth

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Abstract 近年,blog,wiki,SNS 等の普及により一般利用者がコンテンツ作成者となるWeb2.0 と総称される動きを作りだしている.その中で,様々な商品に対して個人が自分の嗜好・評価を投稿するクチコミサイトも増加している.クチコミには大衆の感性に基づくデータが蓄積されているため,そこからマーケティングや商品推薦のための情報発見システムが検討されている.我々もクチコミサイトに着目し,商品間の関係発見に...ついての研究を行 っている.本研究では,概念束を用いて商品間の関係を発見する手法を提案する.概念束は1979 年にRudolf Wille らが形式概念解析として提案したもので,対象(ここでは商品)と対象が持つ属性との関係を行列で表現し,そこから対象間または属性間の関係を分析する.また,商品間の関係分析結果に基づいて商品提案を行う手法を検討した.
Recently, the Web2.0 movement changes a common user to a contents creator using CGM (contents generating media) such as blog, wiki, and SNS. Word of mouth services are becoming popular, and individuals submit their preference and evaluation to various items on those sites. Reputations by means folk are being accumulated and some IR systems are emerging to analyze them for marketing and recommendation. The authors pay attention to a word of mouth site, and consider the relation discovery problem between items. In this paper, we propose a technique to discover relations between items using the formal concept analysis and the concept lattice. The formal concept analysis is proposed by Rudolf Wille et.al. in 1979. The relation between objects (items, in this paper) and the attributes of the objects is represented by the concept matrix. The hierarchy of items and attributes are represented by a concept lattice. We studied a technique of item relation analysis using concept lattice technique. Moreover, we propose an item recommendation technique based on word of mouth data and concept lattice.
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Created Date 2010.05.12
Modified Date 2020.11.17

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