<departmental bulletin paper>
Attitude survey about environmentsl education in foresto to severl organizations concerned : case study of three areas in northern part of Kyushu district

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Abstract 平成14年度より,福岡県直方市における「のおがた・こもれびの森」で総合的な学習の時間の一環として,直方市が小学校を対象とした森林環境教育を開始した.しかし,その推進には森林環境教育についての正確な認識が必要だと思われた.そこで本研究は,この問題に端を発して,九州北部で直方市と自然条件と社会条件のことなる大分県日田市と福岡県福岡市の3都市を対象地として,各市の教育委員会,小学校長および小学校教諭に対...して環境教育に関する聞き取り調査やアンケート調査を実施し,その現状と環境教育の取り組みや意識の把握を行った.その結果,森林・林業に関する環境教育について理解は示されるものの,同教育が実施されている例はほとんどなかった。小学校の教諭から,森林環境教育を行うための問題点として「対象地との距離」が大きな割合で挙げられた.また,森林・林業に関する活動を行っている全国の環境NGOに対してアンケート調査を実施し,その実態を把握した.環境NGOの活動に関しては,協力者の存在がその活動の継続を支えていることが明らかとなった.森林環境教育の実施にあたって重視するものとして,小学校教諭では教材が大きな割合を占めたが,環境NGOは参加者の増加やスタッフの充実が挙げられ,両者では重視するものに相違がみられ,両者のパートナーシップの確立には,こうした相違点への理解が重要であることがわかった.
Masaru Aota, Takuhiko Murakami, shigejiro Yoshida and Nobuya Mizoue: Awareness of forest environmental education on the part of local school boards and environmental NGO representatives.-In case of the three different cities in Northern-part of Kyushu Island-Since 2002, the city of Nogata has been providing environmental education to an elementary school at "Nogata-Komorebi no Mori", as part of an all-around learning class. At present, however, the organization of this project is at the trial and error stage. In order to understand the situation in Nogata, with respect to environmental awareness and educational efforts in relation to this, we carried out a survey of local school boards, of elementary school principals and teachers by means of interviews or questionnaires. The study areas were the cities of Nogata in Fukuoka Prefecture, Hita in Ohita Prefecture, and Fukuoka in Fukuoka Prefecture. Furthermore, we conducted a national questionnaire survey, distributed to environmental NGO representatives, which focused on activities related to forests or forestry. The results from the questionnaire about environmental education indicated that almost all of those questioned were in favor of environmental education, but there were very few instances of such education actually being carried out. Most of the school teachers, moreover, pointed out that "distance from a field site" was a problem for performing forest environmental education. The major factor for continuous activity on the part of environmental NGO representatives was the existence of co-operative agents. As an important point relating to environmental education, teaching materials constituted a major factor for the elementary school teachers; for environmental NGO representatives, however, an increase in participation and the repletion of staff were mentioned. With respect to the performance of forest environmental education, a difference in perspective was detected between elementary school teachers and environmental NGO representatives. Identifying and understanding this difference is important to the establishment of a partnership between these two groups.
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Created Date 2009.06.16
Modified Date 2021.03.03

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