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Relationship between runoff at the basin scale and soil moisture condition in the slope and riparian zone

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Abstract 流域を構成する斜面,ライパリアンゾーン,流路などの各部位は,それぞれ異なる特性(地形,植生,土壌など)を有し,これらの特性の空間的ばらつきが流出生成を支配している.これらの特性を考慮し,各部位における水文現象を再現するモデルとして分布型流出モデルがあるが,流出生成を支配する要因は明らかにされていない.そこで本研究では,斜面とライパリアンゾーンの水分状態と流域スケールの流出現象の関係を把握することを...目的とする.観測は九州大学農学部附属福岡演習林の御手洗水試験流域において行った.降水量,流出量,マトリックポテンシャル,土壌体積含水率,地下水位を観測し,土壌水分状態と流出量との対応関係を調べた結果,ライパリアンゾーンでの地下水位が流域スケールの流出現象を最も強く反映していた.また斜面の土壌水分も,流域スケールの流出生成に大きな役割を果たしていた.斜面の地中浅部(10cm,20cm)の体積含水率と流出量の関係は強く,高水時には斜面,ライパリアンゾーン,流路が水文学的に連結することが示唆された.
Landscape elements (slope,riparian zone) of watersheds have their own characteristics such as topography, soil, vegitation, etc. Therefore the spatial variation of these characteristics controls the runoff generation. Distributed runoff models use some of these characteristics and simulate the runoff by evaluating the hydrological phenomena at each landscape element grid. However, the main factor controlling the runoff generation is still not well understood. Thus the objective of this study is to understand the relationship between runoff at the basin scale and soil moisture condition in the slope as well as riparian zone. Rainfall, discharge, matric potential, soil water content, groundwater level were observed at Ochozu experimental watershed of Kyushu University Forest in Fukuoka, Japan. Ground water level in the riparian zone was a first-order control on the runoff phenomenon at the basin scale. Hydrologic phenomena in the slope elements also play an important role in the runoff generation. The soil moisture contents of the upper subsurface(10cm, 20cm from the ground surface) in the slope relate strongly to the discharge. These results suggest that hydrologic coupling among the slope, the riparian zone and the stream occurred during rain events.
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Created Date 2009.06.16
Modified Date 2021.03.03

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