<departmental bulletin paper>
Fatigue Process and S-N Relation of Particleboard in Bending

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Abstract パーティクルボードの定荷重曲げ疲労において,S-N関係による疲労寿命の分布挙動を静的曲げの性質と関連して検討し,サイクリッククリープ変形およびMOE変化の推移からパーティクルボードの疲労進行過程を究明した.S-N関係での応力レベルを比応力(σr/γa)および応力比(σr/σm)で示すと,疲労寿命の分布特性に及ぼす,ボードの厚さ,層構成状態および製造工程での機械送り方向などの材料条件の影響が明かであ...る.S-N関係における推定疲労強度およびその推定精度は静的曲げの性質に依存している.さらに,S-N曲線の傾斜と静的曲げの性質の変動係数との関係によって疲労寿命のばらつきが予測される.とくに,非破壊的方法により測定できる静的MOEと疲労特性の関係が注目すべきである.パーティクルボードは次のような3段階の疲労過程を経て破断に至る.すなわち, 段階1(遷移過程);初期の変形急増過程, 段階II(定常過程);塑性変形の安定的漸増過程, 段階III(破断過程);終期の不安定な変形の伸展および弾性消失過程. そして,高応力レベルほど,繰り返し回数比(N/N_f)の少ないうちに,疲労が早めに進行して段階IIIに至る反面,段階IIIに入ってから疲労破断への進行は低応力レベルで急激である.MORの変化では遷移過程が認められないが,段階II,IIIでの変化挙動はサイクリッククリープ現像と一致する.なお,3層ボードの疲労進行における表層の抑制効果が著しい.
The influence of different material conditions on the fatigue life distribution of particleboard could be showed by representing the stress level of S-N curve in specific stress σr/γa and stress ratio σr/σm. Both the estimated bending fatigue strength and the coefficient of correlation in S-N relation depended on the static bending properties of non cyclic loaded specimen. Moreover a quantitative relationship expected to be found in statistical variation between the fatigue life and the static bending properties since the slope of S-N curve increased with the coefficient of variation of static bending properties. In particular, it was worthy of notice that fatigue properties were closely related static MOE. From the behavior of cyclic creep and MOE retention in low-cycle bending fatigue under the controlled load, the fatigue process of particleboard could be devided into three Stages as follows; Stage I(Transient stage): The early step where strain increases rapidly. Stage II(Stable stage): The middle step where the plastical strain gradually increases through the most part of fatigue life. Stage III(Failure stage): The end step where strain increases acceleratively with elasticity loss and then the unstable failure occurs. While the fatigue proceeded to the stage III within low cyclic ratio(N/Nf)under high stress level, the fatigue progression in the stage III was rapid under low stress level. Transient stage was not recognized in the behavior of MOE, but MOE changed inaccordance with cyclic creep in the stages II and III The face layers had a remarkable effect to restrain the fatigue progression on three-layer particleboard.
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Record ID
Created Date 2009.06.16
Modified Date 2021.03.03

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