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Effects of Adalimumab Administration in Bio-Naïve and Bio-Switch Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Daily Clinical Practice : Two-Year Results from Single Center

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Abstract Aims : To investigate the impact of adalimumab on the biologic-naïve (bio-naïve) and bio-switch rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, and to clarify the appropriate indications for adalimumab treatment.... Methods : The retention rate, efficacy and safety of adalimumab in twenty-one RA patients were analyzed. Fourteen of the patients were bio-naïve and seven were bio-switched from other biologics. Concomitant methotrexate was used in 85% of the bio-naïve and 71% of the bio-switch patients. The radiographic findings before and after the 1 year and the two years treatment were also surveyed. Results : In the bio-naïve group, 63% of patients continued adalimumab for 2 years, and remission was achieved in approximately 50% of patients. The mean 28-joint Disease Activity Scores improved from 5. 2 to 2. 6. Radiographically, the joint damage did not progress in either erosions or joint space narrowing. In the bio-switch group, the retention rate was 29%, and only patients who were switched from infliximab showed responses to the treatment. Herpes zoster requiring hospitalization occurred in two cases and injection site reactions were noted in other two cases. Conclusion : Adalimumab combined with methotrexate would be a useful first choice biologic regimen in bio-naïve RA patients. As a second biologic, adalimumab could be useful only when treatments are switched from infliximab.
【はじめに】完全ヒト型抗TNF-αモノクローナル抗体のアダリムマブ(ADA)は皮下注射製剤で,外来治療が可能である.本研究では,関節リウマチ(RA)に対するADA の2年間の使用成績をバイオナイーブ例および他バイオ製剤からのスイッチ例で評価し,成績と適応について検討した.【対象と方法】当科で2009 年〜2011 年にRA へA DA を開始した連続21 症例に関し,バイオナイーブ14例(男性2例,女性12 例,平均53 歳,罹病期間8年,メトトレキサートMTX併用85%,平均6.6mg)とスイッチ7 例(全例女性,平均67 歳,罹病期間14 年,MTX 併用71%,平均5.7mg)での治療継続率・効果・安全性を検討した.またX線で関節破壊の進行を評価した.【結果】バイオナイーブ例では12,24ヶ月での継続率は79%,63%と良好で,疾患活動性DAS28-ESR は平均5.2 から2.6 へと改善し(p < 0.01),約50% の症例で12ヶ月時に寛解が得られ,24ヶ月時まで維持された.アメリカリウマチ学会(ACR)50/70 反応率は12ヶ月時77%で達成され,24 カ月時57%で維持された.X線では骨びらん・関節裂隙狭小化ともに進行の抑制が得られた.一方,スイッチ例ではインフリキシマブ二次無効から変更した2例のみ治療効果が得られて2 年間継続しえたが,それ以外は効果不十分例が多く,12 カ月以降の継続率は29%と低かった.帯状疱疹による入院を21 例中2例で必要とした他,注射部位反応による中止が1 例生じた.【結論】ADA はバイオナイーブでMTX 併用のRA が最も良い適応で,1st choice バイオ製剤としての疾患活動性の抑制や寛解の導入・維持,関節破壊の防止に有用である一方,他剤からのスイッチとしての選択は,より慎重にすべきと考えられた.
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Created Date 2014.03.05
Modified Date 2021.07.28

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