<departmental bulletin paper>
Forest Vegetation of Hokkaido Forest of Kyushu University : Classification of Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest and its environment

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Abstract 九州大学北海道演習林における天然生落葉広葉樹林について,種組成に基づいた群落分類がなされた.代償植生としての植生タイプはシラカンバ―ミズナラ群落,自然植生としてのサワシバ―ミズナラ群集,アサダ―ミズナラ群集,サワシバ―ミズナラ群集とアサダ―ミズナラ群集の中間的特性を持つ群落,ハシドイ―ヤチダモ群集の5タイプが認められた.植生タイプ毎の常在度級表から,アサダ―ミズナラ群集とハシドイ―ヤチダモ群集にお...いて,これら群集を特徴付ける高常在度の種群など,8種群が認められた.各植生タイプの立地環境(標高,斜面方位,斜面傾斜)についての比較を行った結果,植生タイプによる垂直分布域に差異は認められなかった.斜面方位と斜面傾斜は,サワシバ―ミズナラ群集とアサダ―ミズナラ群衆とでは異なった分布傾向が認められた.
Species composition and topographical factors were studied at 65 stands in deciduous broad-leaved forests in the Kyushu University Hokkaido Forest (except Salix forests along streams). These stands were classified into five types (Types A to E). Type A was typical secondally forest, Betula plalyphylla -Quercus mongolica ver. grosseserrata community. Type B was Carpino-Quercetum grosseserratae association, and Type D was Ostryo-Quercetum grosseserratae association. Type C was a community that had intermediate species composition between Types B and D. Type E was Syringo-Fraxinetum mandshuricae association. Dominant species in most stands of Types B, C and D were Quercus mongolica ver. groosseserrata. Species were divided into 8 groups (Groups a to h). Group a was composed of common species from five vegetation types. Types D and E were characterized by Groups f and h, respectively. Type B stands distributed from southern to western slopes and on gentler slopes of other aspects. Most stands of Type D distributed from steeper north to eastern slopes, Type C stands were located at intermediate positions between Type B and D stands.
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Created Date 2009.04.22
Modified Date 2021.03.03

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