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Sap Flow Rate Measured with Heat Balance Methods and Water Flow Resistance in Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) Tree

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Abstract 茎熱収支法の樹木への適用を目的とし,市販のダイナゲージ(DYNAMAX SGA100)を使用して18年生のヒノキの樹液流量を測定した.ダイナゲージによる測定精度は,測定された樹液流量と供試木の切断面からの吸水量とを比較することで検討した.茎熱収支法による樹液流量の日変動パターンは,切断面からの吸水量の日変動パターンとよく対応した.しかし,絶対量では吸水量の小さい場合には過大に評価し,逆に吸水量の大...きい場合には過小に評価した.この傾向は日積算値で比較した場合にも同様であり,茎熱収支法の長所とされている絶対量の直接測定に改善すべき点が認められた.そこで従来の計算式に若干の改良を加えた結果,吸水量と樹液流量との間に良好な関係が得られ,樹液流量の推定が可能となった.茎熱収支法で測定された樹液流量と切断面からの吸水量,および葉の木部圧ポテンシャルの日変化から樹体の樹冠部,幹部,根系部について,それぞれの通水抵抗を算出した.その結果,樹体全体の通水抵抗に占める各部の割合は,樹冠部が42.3~47.6%,幹部が0.0~6.6%,根系部が51.1~52.4%と推定された.
For the application of heat balance method (HBM) to woody plants, sap flow rates in eighteen years old Hinoki trees were measured with DYNAGAGE (DYNAMAX SGA100). The reliability of HBM was tested by comparing sap flow rates measured with HBM and water absorption rates at the cut stem. The diurnal changes of sap flow rates with HBM were synclonised well with that of water absorption rates. However, compared with the absolute values of water absorption rates, sap flow rates measured with HBM tended to be overestimated when the water abosorption rates were low and visa versa. Such a tendency was also observed when the daily amounts of sap flow was compared. These results mean that the advantage of the HBM in absolute quantity measurement was not realized. However, sap flow rates fitted well with water absorption rates by using the modified heat balance equation (2'). Resistances to water flow of three parts of Hinoki (canopy, trunk and root systems) were calculated using diurnal changes of sap flow rates, water absoption rates, and xylem pressure potentials. The proportion of each resistance was 42.3~47.6% for canopy, 0.0~6.6% for trunk and 51.1~52.4% for root systems.
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Record ID
Created Date 2009.04.22
Modified Date 2021.03.03

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