<departmental bulletin paper>
Production and Distribution of Eutrema wasabi in Kyushu

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Abstract 九州におけるワサビの生産と流通の特質を明らかにし,山村における地域資源を生かした地域産業の発展の方向づけを明確にすることを目指している.まず全国的な動向を明らかにし,九州の位置づけを行った.次いで九州で最も産地化の進んでいる大分県日田郡津江地域を事例に取り上げ実態分析を行った.ワサビは全国的に,その分布がみられるものの産地は地域的に限定されており,数県で全国生産量の大半を生産し,その数量に大きな伸...びはみられない.したがって,供給は必ずしも需要を充たしていない状況にある.こうした背景から九州においても,戦後本格的な産地づくりが進められた.結果をみると,一部に成功挙例がみられるものの,多くは期待どおりの成果を上げていない.この原因は九州に適応した栽培技術の未確立と流通の多様化に対する取り組みの遅れが指摘できる.一方,成功挙例の産地では,導入当初から大手加工業者との契約栽培による産地づくりを進め,新しい品種やハウス栽培法の導入など技術体系の確立を図り成果を上げている.また,地元に加工工場を新設し,雇用の拡大と所得の確保をすすめるなど積極的な取り組みがみられる.それでも近年は産地の拡大による原料ワサビの供給過剰から生産者価格にかげりがみられることや担い手の高齢化など新たな課題がでている.水ワサビは依然として高級料理用としての常繋が主流で,家庭での消費量は少ない.このため品質による価格格差は大きく,近年は品質の低下から価格が低迷している.一方,青果用葉ワサビの需要は拡大傾向にある.今後の方向としては生産面では九州の立地条件に適応した栽培システムを確立し,安定的に供給できる体制を整備すること,また流通面では青果用葉ワサビや葉ワサビ加工品の家庭消費の拡大を図る必要がある.
The purpose of this study was to improve the industrial development in agriculture in mountainous regions through the analysis of the present conditions in the production and marketing of Eutruma wasabi in Kyushu. First, the trend of the production and marketing of the crop in nation wide scale was analyzed in comparison with that in Kyushu, and then Tsue region in Hita, Oita Prefecture where the industrial development of the pruduction has most advanced in Kyushu was selected as one sample for more detail analysis. The crop is cultivated widely in the nation, but the major areas of the production are restricted to several prefectures. The amount of the production has not increased recently, and does not always meet the demand. Although the production of the crop has been promoted also in Kyushu after the World War Ⅱ, not all the cases have succeeded than expected with some exceptions. It can be pointed out that the ill success may due to the unestablishment of the culture techniques fitted to the environmental conditions in Kyushu and to the delay of wrestling with the deversification of market demand. The followings are designated by the analysis in the regions where the success has been obtained. 1. The cultivation by the contract with a major processor has been promoted from the start. 2. Establishment of the culture system such as introduction of new cultivars and of greenhouse cultivation has been attempted. 3. A processing factory has been built in the region to promote the employment and to guarantee the farmers' income. 4. Even in the region, however, excessive supply of the crop for processing caused by the increase of the production area decreases the farmers' individual income, and the farmers are getting old. The demand for the rhizomes of the crop is big in haute cuisine, but not in home use. Moreover, large fluctuation of the quality decreases the price. 0n the other hand, the demand for the leaves and spikes of the crop is tend to increase. It is desired that the system of the culutre of the crop on the ground in Japanese ceder forests which is labor saving should be established soon to maintain the stable supply ans to increase the home consumption.
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Record ID
Created Date 2009.04.22
Modified Date 2021.03.03

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