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Studies on the Control Technique of Green Space for Landscape Architecture

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Abstract The objectives of this paper are to establish a theory and techniques for the creation of scenic green space for enhancing human life, and to demon・ strate the results of technical methods of landscap...e analysis. It is considered that plant life forms are the most important and basic elements of the non-urbaned landscape on green space. Therefore, in this report, the author suggests that green space are characterized by various com・ binations of types and its elements of life forms, and that landscape archi・ tecture techniques should be determined after giving consideration to the relationship between landscape and life form. In Chapter 1, the author postulates that green space landscapes can be effectively analyzed by use of plant life form, as a consisting unit, and that the results of the analysis would be useful in determining appropriate methods for the establishment of scenic landscapes. In order to sustain scenic green spaces over long periods, it is necessary to conserve the variation in vegetation in the landscape by human control. It is proposed that three ecological control techniques such as the natural conser・ vation technique, semi-artificial conservation technique and man-made conser・ va tion technique are very effective for landscape architecture. In practical landscape architecture success in establishment of green space landscape would be improved by appropriate application of the three control techniques mentioned above. These techniques can be applied to the whole life form spectrum, if physiognomy of plant forms can be recognized as phenotypical expressions of aggregated life forms. Give this supposition, the scenic factors of forest landscapes which belongs to the green space landscape can be classified in terms scenery factors such as the ollter・view and inner・ view of forests. The former is characterized by natural components of the green space landscape and the latter by its sensory function including amenity and serenity for human life. From this standpoints, the author analyses and indicates the function of treated forest landscape composed of a variety of life forms and their functional elements which combine to form the scenic outer-view and inner-view of forests. Further, the ecological structures of vegetation are investigated and analyzed as to their community types, by backgroud vegetation and pattern of spacial distribution and other attributes to obtain the necessory basic data for determining stable conservation patterns. The planned landscape which is conversive under natural condition can be achieved by using conservation works which function to ensure ecological stability. In Chapter 2, the author proposes that, on basis of the knowlege obtained in Chapter I, methods of landscape architecture and conservation works can be effectively applied to the practical creation of green space landscapes and to the symbolic use of life forms. In this study, the investiga ted areas are selected on the basis of various types of physiognomy so as to allow results which are universal. Universal physiognomies (natural forest, substitution forest and artificial forest in climatical horizontal ~tl1d vertical zone) and characteristic physiognomies (glass land, water side and rock vegetation) are investiga ted and analyzed, in order to broadly comprehend the various types of vegetation in Japan and to be able to widely apply proposed conservation works to all cases. The purpose of Chapter 3 is to establish a control technique for vegetation conservation works for the creation of green space landscapes described in Chapter 2. Technical experiments regarding conservation treatment were conducted in regards to the natural vegetation in the Kyushu University Forest where the scenic value has already recognized to a considerable extent. The sites of these experiments are located in the Miyazaki Prefecture (high elevation area>700 m; the vegetation of which belongs to the cool temperate forest type), Fukuoka (: Kasuya; warm temperate forest) and Hokkaido (boreal forest) of Kyushu University. Special emphasis being placed upon the experiment carried out in the Kyushu University Forests in Miyazaki Pre fecture. In these experiments, the induced responses of treated vegetation are used for the evalua tion 0 f the technique in comparison with the changes in lifeform spectrum. Accordingly, some effective techniques regarding the conservation work were successfully demonstrated for the purpose of creating a green space landscape.show more
Table of Contents 第1章 緒論 節1節 景観造成と緑地保全 1 景観 2 緑地 3 保全とその対象 第2節 緑地保全の手法 第3節 緑地保全のための植生の基本的考え方 1 相観と生活型 2 生活型要素 3 生活型組成 4 植生の構造 (1)群落 (2)基盤植生 (3)分布 第2章 緑地保全の技術 第1節 垂直分布帯の相観と保全 ―屋久島の例― 1 景観的垂直分布帯の表示と生活型要素 2 垂直的生態環境の表現 第2節 二次林の相観と保全 1 常緑広築樹二次萌芽林の保全造成計画 ―長崎県・県民の森の例― (1)計画の目的 (2)調査の方法と結果 (3)景観造成の方向と保全作業 2 落葉広葉樹を伴うアカマツニ次林の保全造成計画 ―広島県緑化センターの例― (1)計画の目的 (2)調査の方法と結果 (3)景観造成の方向と保全作業 3 歴史的風土林の保全造成計画 ―大宰府史跡の例― (1)計画の目的 (2)調査の方法と結果 (3)景観造成の方向と保全作業 第3節 特殊植生の相観と保全 1 草原植生 (1)草原の植生景観要素 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (2)特殊な草原植生の景観的保全作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 2 水辺植生 (1)河畔の植生景観要素 ⅰ)調査の目的 ⅱ)調査の方法と結果 ⅲ)景観造成の方針と保全作業 (2)渓流の景観的保全作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (3)隆起珊瑚礁水辺の植生景観要素 ⅰ)調査の目的 ⅱ)調査の方法と結果 ⅲ)景観造成の方針と保全作業 3 岩壁植生 (1)湿性岩壁の植生景観要素 ⅰ)調査の目的 ⅱ)調査の方法と結果 ⅲ)景観造成の方針と保全作業 〈2)乾性岩壁の植生景観要素 ⅰ)調査の目的 ⅱ)調査の方法と結果 ⅲ)景観造成の方針と保全作業 第3章 保全研究林の造成と作業 第1節 保全作業の技術的区分 A 厳正保全区 B 加工保全区 C 造成保全区 D 総合保全区 第2節 都市近郊林の景観的保全 ―九州大学盛農学部附属演習林粕屋地方演習林における生態樹木園の造成計画― 1 計画の主旨 2 計画作成のための基礎的調査と結果 (1)アカマツ林の生活型組成と林内照度 (2)林内整理伐と林内照度 第3節 奥地山岳林の景観的保全 ―九州大学農学部附属演習林宮崎地方演習林の自然林保全活用計画― 1 計画の主旨 2 計画作成のための基礎的調査と結果 3 計画の内容と保全処理区の分割 4 保全作業に関する調査試験 (A)厳正保全区で行った調査 崩壊地の植生回復に関する調査 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (B)加工保全区で行った試験と保全作業 (1)スズタケの生態に関する試験 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (2)ヒメシャラ林の保全作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (3)温帯林主要樹種の群落保全作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (4)レンゲツツジ群落の保全作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (C)造成保全区で行った保全作業 (1)温帯林主要樹種の群落造成作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (2)アカマツ群落の保全作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (3)アカマツ群落の保全作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (D)総合保全区で行った保全作業 (1)林業樹種の群落保全作業 ⅰ)目的 ⅱ)方法と結果 (2)林内歩道の設定と林相談展望点の景観的処理作業 第4節 北方丘陵林の景観的保全 ―九州大学農学部附属演習林北海道地方演習林の自然林保全活用計画― (1)計画の主旨 (2)計画作成のための基礎的調査と結果 (3)計画の内容と保全処理区の分割 第5節 考察 (1)第1節 (2)第2節 (3)第3節 (4)第4節 総括 謝辞 引用文献 Summary

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Created Date 2009.04.22
Modified Date 2021.03.03

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