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Beverage Consumption andthe Prevalence of Tooth Loss in Pregnant Japanese Women : The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study

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Abstract Recently, there has been growing interest in the impact of beverage consumption on dental health because changes have occurred in the types and quantities of beverage consumed. This cross-sectional st...udy investigated the relationship between consumption frequencies of various beverages and the prevalence of tooth loss among young adult women. Study subjects were 1002 pregnant Japanese women. Tooth loss was defined as previous extraction of one or more teeth. Dietary habits were evaluated by a validated dietary history questionnaire. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals of tooth loss. Adjustment was made for age, gestation, parity, cigarette smoking, passive smoking at home and at work, family income, education, changes in diet in the previous one month, season when data were collected and body mass index. Of the 1002 subjects, 256 women had lost one or more teeth. Coffee consumption was independently associated with an increased prevalence of tooth loss. When subjects were divided according to consumption of coffee with or without sugar, an increased prevalence of tooth loss was found only in subjects who consumed coffee without addition of sugar. Compared with the lowest consumption of green tea, the intermediate but not the highest consumption of green tea was associated with an increased prevalence of tooth loss. There was no measurable association of intake of milk, black tea, cola, or 100% fruit juice with the prevalence of tooth loss. The findings suggest that coffee consumption might be associated with an increased prevalence of tooth loss among young adult women.
近年,嗜好飲料の種類とその摂取量が増加しており,これらの飲料の摂取が歯科疾患に与える影響について注目されている.本横断研究では,日本人の若年成人女性における各嗜好飲料の摂取頻度と歯牙喪失有症率との関連について検討した.研究対象者は1002 名の妊婦である.過去に永久歯を1本以上抜歯した経験がある場合,歯牙喪失ありと定義した.妥当性の検証された食事歴法質問調査票を用いて食習慣を評価した.解析には多変量ロジスティック回帰分析を用いた.年齢,妊娠週,子数,喫煙,家庭及び職場での受動喫煙,家計の年収,教育歴,過去1ヶ月の食事変容,回答時の季節及びbody mass indexを補正した.1002名の研究対象者のち,256 名で抜歯経験があった.コーヒー摂取は有意に歯牙喪失の有症率の高まりと関連していた.コーヒー摂取の際の砂糖使用の有無による解析では,砂糖を使用していない群でのみコーヒー摂取と歯牙喪失の有意な正の関連を認めた.緑茶摂取については,第1三分位に比較して,第2三分位でのみ歯牙喪失と有意な正の関連を認めた.牛乳,紅茶,コーラ及び100%フルーツジュースの摂取と歯牙喪失との間に関連はなかった.本研究結果より,若年成人女性においてコーヒー摂取は歯牙喪失の有症率の高まりと関連があるのかもしれない.
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Created Date 2009.04.22
Modified Date 2021.07.28

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