Rethinking the social in innovation and entrepreneurship

概要 Offering a comprehensive classification of the analytical approaches to the social within the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship studies, this book showcases a wide variety of perspectives and ...a collection of theoretical analysis tackling social complexity. The editors bring together contributors who mirror the heterogeneity present in the innovation and entrepreneurship fields, aiming to spark a discussion on the pluralist and critical nature of the social dimension within research, and to examine societal transformation processes and their attending multifaceted issues. Exploring how the social is analytically understood in innovation and entrepreneurship studies, the book proposes a non-exhaustive spectrum ranging from implicit assumption to explicit conceptualization in defining methodological foundations. Discussing the social and methodological challenges involved in the integration of social dimensions, this book will be a crucial companion for innovation and entrepreneurship scholars and students. This book is also a must-read for policy-makers and practitioners involved in societal transformation processes --続きを見る
目次 Preface
1. Introduction to rethinking the social in innovation and entrepreneurship studies
Beniamino Callegari, Bisrat A. Misganaw and Stefania Sardo
Part I: The contextual approach
2. Entrepreneurial team formation, task allocation in new ventures and the theory of imprinting
Bisrat A. Misganaw
3. Exploring the social dimension of regional industrial restructuring
Jan Ole Rypestøl
4. Collective resources in entrepreneurship: A reconceptualisation of resource mobilisation
Karin Wigger and Thomas Lauvås
5. Innovation and adaptation strategies during the front-end phase of an industry downturn
Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez
6. "is that my problem?" a study of motivation for knowledge sharing
Stian Bragtvedt
Part II: The identification approach
7. Playing around with the 'rules of the game': Social entrepreneurs navigating the public sector terrain in pursuit of collaboration
Mikhail Kosmynin
8. Integrating responsible research and innovation into smart specialization: A question-machine approach
Nhien Nguyen, Jens Ørding Hansen, Are Jensen and Carlos Álvarez Pereira
9. Making a thousand diverse flowers bloom: Driving innovation through inclusion of diversity in organisations
Marte C.W. Solheim
Part III: The essentialist approach
10. Schumpeter's social ontology: Before and beyond pure economics
Beniamino Callegari
11. The naturalized disharmony of a socio-technical system: Understanding safety in the oil and gas drilling industry
Stefania Sardo
12. Interactions in innovation processes of medical devices: Systemic and network perspectives
Olga Mikhailova.
本文を見る DOAB Directory of Open Access Books: 2022


データベース タイトル
登録日 2024.04.23
更新日 2024.04.23