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Biochar for environmental management : science and technology

責任表示 edited by Johannes Lehmann and Stephen Joseph
データ種別 図書
出版情報 London : Earthscan , c2009
本文言語 英語
大きさ xxxii, 416 p. : ill. ; 26 cm
概要 The unique properties of black carbon-rich soils have only recently been recognized and international efforts have significantly increased to utilize this knowledge to improve agriculture and the env...ronment in several ways. Biomass-derived black carbon, charcoal or "biochar," as it is nowadays called, can be used as a soil amendment to improve nutrient retention and availability and therefore increase crop yields. Such a use of biochar is a significant advance over conventional organic matter management, as the biochar is more stable in soil and is better able to retain nutrients. In combination with sustainable biomass production, such a biochar sequestration can be carbon negative and therefore be used to actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, with 続きを見る
目次 Biochar for environmental management : an introduction / Johannes Lehmann, Stephen Joseph
Physical properties of biochar / Adriana Downie, Alan Crosky, Paul Munroe
Characteristics of biochar : microchemical properties / James Amonette, Stephen Joseph
Characteristics of biochar : organo-chemical properties / Evelyn S. Krull ... [et al.]
Biochar : nutrient properties and their enhancement / K. Yin Chan, Z. Hiu Xu
Characteristics of biochar : biological properties / Janice E. Thies, Matthias C. Rillig
Developing a biochar classification and test methods / Stephen Joseph ... [et al.]
Biochar production technology / Robert Brown
Biochar systems / Johannes Lehmann, Stephen Joseph
Changes of biochar in soil / Karen Hammes, Michael W.I. Schmidt
Stability of biochar in soil / Johannes Lehmann ... [et al.]
Biochar application to soil / Paul Blackwell, Glen Riethmuller, Mike Collins
Biochar and emissions of non-CO[2] greenhouse gases from soil / Lukas Van Zwieten ... [et al.]
Biochar effects on soil nutrient transformations / Tom H. DeLuca, M. Derek MacKenzie, Michael J. Gundale
Biochar effects on nutrient leaching / Julie Major ... [et al.]
Biochar and sorption of organic compounds / Ronald J. Smernik
Test procedures for determining the quantity of biochar within soils / David A.C. Manning, Elisa Lopez-Capel
Biochar, greenhouse gas accounting and emissions trading / John Gaunt, Annette Cowie
Economics of biochar production, utilisation and greenhouse gas offsets / Bruce A. McCarl ... [et al.]
Socio-economic assessment and implementation of small-scale biochar projects / Stephen Joseph
Taking biochar to market : some essential concepts for commercial success / Mark Glover
Policy to address the threat of dangerous climate change : a leading role for biochar / Peter Read


: hardback 理系図2F 開架 613.5/L 52 2010


内容注記 Biochar for environmental management : an introduction / Johannes Lehmann, Stephen Joseph
Physical properties of biochar / Adriana Downie, Alan Crosky, Paul Munroe
Characteristics of biochar : microchemical properties / James Amonette, Stephen Joseph
Characteristics of biochar : organo-chemical properties / Evelyn S. Krull ... [et al.]
Biochar : nutrient properties and their enhancement / K. Yin Chan, Z. Hiu Xu
Characteristics of biochar : biological properties / Janice E. Thies, Matthias C. Rillig
Developing a biochar classification and test methods / Stephen Joseph ... [et al.]
Biochar production technology / Robert Brown
Biochar systems / Johannes Lehmann, Stephen Joseph
Changes of biochar in soil / Karen Hammes, Michael W.I. Schmidt
Stability of biochar in soil / Johannes Lehmann ... [et al.]
Biochar application to soil / Paul Blackwell, Glen Riethmuller, Mike Collins
Biochar and emissions of non-CO[2] greenhouse gases from soil / Lukas Van Zwieten ... [et al.]
Biochar effects on soil nutrient transformations / Tom H. DeLuca, M. Derek MacKenzie, Michael J. Gundale
Biochar effects on nutrient leaching / Julie Major ... [et al.]
Biochar and sorption of organic compounds / Ronald J. Smernik
Test procedures for determining the quantity of biochar within soils / David A.C. Manning, Elisa Lopez-Capel
Biochar, greenhouse gas accounting and emissions trading / John Gaunt, Annette Cowie
Economics of biochar production, utilisation and greenhouse gas offsets / Bruce A. McCarl ... [et al.]
Socio-economic assessment and implementation of small-scale biochar projects / Stephen Joseph
Taking biochar to market : some essential concepts for commercial success / Mark Glover
Policy to address the threat of dangerous climate change : a leading role for biochar / Peter Read
一般注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
[2] is subscript
著者標目 Lehmann, Johannes, Dr
Joseph, Stephen, 1950-
件 名 LCSH:Charcoal
LCSH:Soil amendments
LCSH:Environmental management
分 類 LCC:TP331
書誌ID 1001442740
ISBN 9781844076581
NCID BB05031589
巻冊次 : hardback ; ISBN:9781844076581
NBN 014800241
登録日 2011.03.04
更新日 2011.03.04


