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The History of Interdisciplinary Research between Socio-Economic History and Historical Geography : Trends and Issue

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Abstract 本稿は,第54回歴史地理学会大会シンポジウム「近代の歴史地理:再考」(2011年6月26日開催,於山口大学)における報告のひとつであり,日本経済史の立場から,近代歴史地理学と社会経済史との学際的関係の意義を検討していくことを目的とする。とくに,1960年代後半~80年代前半における梅村又次と黒崎千晴との交友関係に焦点を当て,そこから我々後進の研究者に残されたメッセージを探ってみたいと思っている。具...体的には,第1に,労働経済学を専門とし,『長期経済統計』の監修に携わってきた梅村が,なぜ,いかにして研究を日本経済史にシフトさせ,かつ歴史地理学を重要視してきたのかをまとめ,第2に,黒崎の足跡を少し振り返りながら,社会経済史学会で果たしてきた貢献を検討し,第3に,梅村・黒崎がともに携わってきた数量経済史研究会におおける歴史地理学と社会経済史との学際性について考察を行う。
The purpose of this report is to study the significance of interdisciplinary approach between socioeconomic history and historical geography in the case of Mataji Umemura's relationship with Chiharu Kurosaki (1923-2007). Umemura (1921-2006),a professor emeritus at Hitotsubashi University specialized in labor economics and compiled “Long-term Economic Statistics" (LTES) with Kazushi Okawa and Miyohei Shinohara for a long time. He was also interested in economic history during Tokugawa period (1603-1867),be cause he convinced that Japan's industrialization had steadily started before Matsukata Deflation (1881-1885). Therefore he formed the Quantitative Economic History Association (QEH) in 1971 with Akira Hayami,Shunsaku Nishikawa etc. and contributed to analyze Japanese history by the use of the empirical framework and method. On the other hand,K urosaki, a former professor emeritus at Tsukuba University,specialized in historical geography and contributed to find various data of Meiji period and brought ground a quantitative approach in modern historical geography. Umemura frequently read Kurosaki' s article and invited him to attend QEH 1st conference on August,1972. The result of this conference was published in the QEH annals vol.1. Furthermore Kurosaki submitted a review of LTES vol.13,which Umemura had supervised for years.
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Table of Contents I. はじめに
II. 梅村又次の地理学への接近
III. 黒崎千晴の社会経済史への接近
IV. 数量経済史研究会と学際的研究の「蜜月」
V. 近年の学際的研究と今後の課題

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Created Date 2012.03.14
Modified Date 2023.11.24

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