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Verkehrstechnische Woche : Zeitschrift für das gesamte Verkehrswesen

Material Type Journal
Publisher Berlin : Guido Hackebeil
Year -1940
Language German


Science and Technology Library 1929-1940 23-34
Holding volumes
Please select year to confirm volumes published in the year.
  • Year
  • Volumes
SciTech Library ASRS 34 1940-1940
SciTech Library ASRS 34 1940-1940 931232005414943

SciTech Library ASRS 33 1939-1939
SciTech Library ASRS 33 1939-1939 931232005414931

SciTech Library ASRS 32 1938-1938
SciTech Library ASRS 32 1938-1938 931232005414928

SciTech Library ASRS 31 1937-1937
SciTech Library ASRS 31 1937-1937 931232005414916

SciTech Library ASRS 30 1936-1936
SciTech Library ASRS 30 1936-1936 931232005414904

SciTech Library ASRS 29 1935-1935
SciTech Library ASRS 29 1935-1935 931232005414893

SciTech Library ASRS 28 1934-1934
SciTech Library ASRS 28 1934-1934 931232005414881

SciTech Library ASRS 27 1933-1933
SciTech Library ASRS 27 1933-1933 931232005414878

SciTech Library ASRS 26 1932-1932
SciTech Library ASRS 26 1932-1932 931232005414866

SciTech Library ASRS 25 1931-1931
SciTech Library ASRS 25 1931-1931 931232005414854

SciTech Library ASRS 24 1930-1930
SciTech Library ASRS 24 1930-1930 931232005414842

SciTech Library ASRS 23 1929-1929
SciTech Library ASRS 23 1929-1929 931232005414830

Bibliographic details

Notes Description based on: 23. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Jan. 1929)
Title from caption
Notes about History of the Documents Continued by:Grossdeutscher Verkehr : Organ des Reichsverkehrsministers : Organ der Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung für Verkehrswesen(WVV) : Organ des Vereins für Eisenbahnkunde
ID 2000037293
NCID AA00881241
Created Date 2009.10.13
Modified Date 2010.12.27