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Geriatric Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department of a Japanese University Hospital

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Abstract To evaluate the trend of elderly patients visiting the emergency department of a Japanese University Hospital, out patient-based records were reviewed of the emergency department of Kyushu University ...Hospital from 2000 to 2004. A total number of 7610 emergency patients visited the department during the five year period. The median(25%, 75%)of age was 32(22, 56). Patients aged 65 years and over accounted for 16% of all attendances. All the patients were classified into 6 groups according to the diagnosis,(1)Respiratory,(2) Circulatory,(3)Central nervous' system,(4) Abdominal, (5) Trauma, and(6)Others. The median age in each group was (1)27(15, 49), (2)66(53,76)(3)51 (27, 67), (4)33(22,56), and (5)26(20, 46), respectively. There was a statistically significant difference observed, reciprocally except between(1) and(5)(P<0.05). The patients showed statistically significant difference in the annual transition of the disease(P<0.0001). In the elderly, the annual transition of the disease showed statistically significant decreases in Circulatory(P=0.0015) and in Central nervous(P<0.0001),and an increase in Abdominal (P<0.0001), respectively. Death rate at the outpatient clinic in the elderly showed much higher than in the younger(P<0.0001). Admission rate was also much higher in the elderly than in the younger(P<0.0001). Elderly emergency patients have both internal and external intrinsic factors. They have to be treated carefully since their condition easily deteriorates. problems surrounding the elderly should be made as a nationwide effort.
九州大学病院救急部における2000年から2004年の5年間の外来受診記録をもとに高齢者の受診状況を調査した. 5年間の救急患者総数は7610名であり, 年齢の中央値(25%, 75%)は32(22, 56)である. このうち65歳以上の患者は1224名, 全体の16%であった. 全症例を,(1)呼吸器系,(2)循環器系, (3)中枢神経系, (4)腹部消化器系, (5)外傷系, (6)その他, の6群に分類した. 各群の年齢の中央値はそれぞれ(1)27(15, 49), (2)66(53, 76), (3)51(27, 67), (4)33(22, 56), (5)26(20, 46)であり, (1),(5)問を除くすべての群問で有意差を認めた. 高齢者における各疾患群の年次別推移では,循環器系(P=0.0015),中枢神経系疾患群(P<0.0001)で減少傾向を, 腹部消化器系疾患群で増加傾向(P<0.0001)を認めた. 救急外来における死亡率や入院率の統計結果では, 高齢者のほうが若年者に比べ有意に高率であった(P<0.0001). 近年の高齢救急患者は基礎疾患を有したり, 特殊な生活環境もあって治療に難渋することも少なくない. 診療に際しては細心の注意を払い慎重に臨むべきである.
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Created Date 2010.12.07
Modified Date 2021.07.28

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