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A Preliminary Study on Milk Production in Lactating Dairy Cows fed Rations including the Silage of Forage Rice Mixed with or without Phasey Bean

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Abstract 飼料イネ (Tetep) と暖地型マメ科牧草ファジービーン (以下Pb) との混合がサイレージの発酵品質ならびに乳牛における生産性に及ぼす影響について検討した.Tetepサイレージは乾物率が高く, 有機酸の生成が少ないが良質なサイレージとなり, Tetep・Pbサイレージは乾物率が低く, 全窒素に対する揮発性塩基態窒素比率 (VBN/TN) が高く, V-SCOREの低いサイレージとなった.Pbの...可消化養分総量 (TDN) および粗蛋白質 (CP) はTetepより高いため (TDN; 65.0%, CP; 15.0%) , Tetep・PbサイレージのTDNおよびCPはTetepサイレージより高い値となった.Tetep・Pb給与区の平均乳量は対照区 (イタリアンライグラスサイレージ給与) と同様であるが, 乳脂肪含有率は, Tetep給与区で高く, Tetep・Pb給与区が対照区よりやや低い傾向となった。また, 乳蛋白および無脂固形分 (SNF) 含有率はTetep・Pb給与区がTetep給与区より高く, いずれも対照区よりやや高い値を示した.血液性状については, 総蛋白, 総コレステロール, 尿素窒素およびグルタミン酸オキサロ酢酸トランスアミナーゼ (GOT) においてTetep・Pb給与区が対照区よりやや高い値を示したが, 臨床上問題となるような値ではなかった.ルーメン液性状については, 酢酸における総VFA中のモル比率はTetep・Pb給与区が対照区よりやや低い値を示したが, 酪酸および吉草酸における総VFA中のモル比率はTetep給与区およびTetep・Pb給与区が対照区よりやや高い値を示した.アンモニア態窒素濃度についてはTetep・Pb給与区が対照区より有意に高い値を示した.
This study was conducted to investigate the milk yield and quality on lactating Holstein dairy cows fed rations including the silage made from forage rice mixed with or without phasey bean (Macroptilium laghyroides (L.) Urb. cv. Murray). The milk-ripe stage rice plants (cv. Tetep) wilted for two days after harvesting were mixed with the blooming stage phasey bean (Pb) wilted for 2 - 3 hours after harvesting at the ratio of 4 : 0 or 3 : 1 in fresh matter, before being ensiled by a mini roll baler. Rations were designated as control ration, Tetep ration and Tetep+Pb ration. The control ration fed daily to a cow is composed of 26 kg of Italian ryegrass silage (Ir silage) as a roughage feed. The Tetep ration is composed of 5 kg of Tetep silage and the ration of Tetep+Pb is composed of 5 kg of Tetep+Pb silage, with 22 kg of Ir silage for each of the two rations. In addition each of daily rations includes 5-8 kg of dairy formula feed, 3kg of alfalfa hay cubes and 1-2 kg of flaked maize. After 5 days preliminary period, the experimental period was followed. The cows were divided into two groups (2 heads/group) fed with Tetep and Tetep+Pb silage for 11 days (first term) and 7 days (second term), and all the cows were fed with control ration for 7 days during experimental periods. The results obtained were as follows. The Tetep+Pb silage showed lower fermentation quality than the Tetep silage due to a higher ratio of volatile basic nitrogen to total nitrogen (VBN/TN). Total digestible nutrients (TDN) and crude protein (CP) contents of the Tetep+Pb silage were higher than those of the Tetep silage. This was caused by comparative high values of them in Pb (TDN; 65.0%, CP; 15.0%). There were no significant differences in milk yield and quality between control, Tetep and Tetep+Pb rations fed to cows. The concentration of urea-N in blood plasma was higher in cows fed Tetep or Tetep+Pb rations than in cows fed the control ration. The ratio of valeric acid to total volatile fatty acids and ammonia-N concentration in rumen fluid were higher in cows fed rations Tetep or Tetep+Pb than in cows fed control ration. The above higher values detected in blood plasma and rumen fluid were within clinically normal ranges.
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Created Date 2017.03.02
Modified Date 2020.12.17

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