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Solitons : nonlinear pulses and beams

Responsibility Nail N. Akhmediev and Adrian Ankiewicz
Series Optical and quantum electronics series ; 5
Material Type Book
Publication London : Chapman & Hall , 1997
Language English
Size xiii, 335 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Abstract Researchers engaged in the subject summarize the applications of non-linear light pulses in optical fibers, and spatial solitons in switching devices for engineers in optoelectronics and telecommunica...ions and researchers and graduate students in those fields. The form of light propagation can be used to achieve very high capacity dispersion-free communications, and soliton-like beams in non-linear materials such as organic polymers are being investigated for fast-switching in devices where the light creates its own guiding channel. After an introduction to the basic equations, the discussion includes non-Kerr-law nonlinearities, multiple-port linear devices made from solitons, birefringent media, pulses in nonlinear couplers, beam dynamics and planar nonlinear guided waves. The treatment is also suitable for self-study or classroom teaching at the graduate level or above. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, ORshow more


CHIKUSHI LIB., 1C, 400-459 421.3/A 33 1997

Bibliographic details

Notes Includes bibliographical references (p. [311]-332) and index
Authors *Akhmediev, Nail N.
Ankiewicz, Adrian
Subjects LCSH:Solitons
Classification LCC:QC174.26.W28
ID 1001359502
ISBN 0412754509
NCID BA35628131
Vol ISBN:0412754509
Created Date 2009.09.18
Modified Date 2009.09.18

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